Creating Stellar Holiday Marketing Campaigns

When it comes to the holidays, we almost expect companies to reach out to us with their special holiday marketing campaigns and offers. And as a wellness expert, the holiday season is the perfect time to start re-engaging with clients or enticing new clients to start working with you.

But in the web world filled with information, it’s important to stand out and be create a message that connects with your ideal clients.

You are sure to see your social media and email feeds filled with holiday campaigns and offers from different companies, but what makes a holiday campaign memorable and work for your business?

For most consumers that’s difficult to pinpoint or recall, so is it worth putting your effort into?

The simple answer is, absolutely yes.

Did you know that for some businesses one-third of annual sales actually occur during the holiday season?

And the holiday shopping season is longer and longer every year — starting before Halloween and going almost until the last days before Christmas.

When it comes to holiday sales, too, total shopping shows no signs of slowing down. Spending is forecast this year to increase more than last year, and that’s following a steady trend.

And when it comes to nutrition, health, and wellness, there is no sign of spending to slow down. Actually, this is an area consumers are investing more and more in every year.

So what should you think about and what campaigns have worked? This graphic offers some ideas.

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What Made Successful Holiday Marketing Campaigns Work So Well

Via Salesforce


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