7 Essential Tips to Stay Engaged with Your Clients in 2017

Are you a registered dietitian nutritionist building your private practice or maybe dreaming about building an online empire? You follow all the experts and hear the things you are supposed to be doing to build your business, but you feel overwhelmed on where to get started. You hear your colleagues talk about their e-newsletter list and lead magnets and the whole conversation just hurts your head?

To Dos for Customized Nutrition Newsletter

Do you feel overwhelmed with all the “to-dos” that you end up doing nothing at all?

Do you feel overwhelmed with all the “to-dos” that you end up doing nothing at all?

Has the fear of sending your first e-newsletter taken over you that you are completely paralyzed to take any e-action?

Do you tell yourself, “When I have X many subscribers on my list then I will send out my first newsletter?”

Are you frightened beyond belief that “What if everyone unsubscribe?!” Or worse…”What if they don’t like what I am sharing?”

Does the thought of new technology make you want to run into a hole and close the door until this whole “technology craze” is over? (Well, let me let you in on a little secret…technology is not going anyway.And every business is moving to have some form of digital component to it.)

Wellness Newsletter Subscriptions

Are you frightened beyond belief that “What if everyone unsubscribe?


You understand the importance of sending a nutrition newsletter, but it just feels all so overwhelming! You just don’t even know where to get started?

If this sound familiar and you are answering yes, yes, and YES to these questions, then you will not want to miss out on this event.

Webinar by Customized Nutrition Newsletter

Join Yvette Quantz, RDN, CSSD, LDN and Kati Mora, MS, RDN on Friday, January 27th at 12:00 CST

Join Yvette Quantz, RDN, CSSD, LDN and Kati Mora, MS, RDN on Friday, January 27th at 12:00 CST for a free informational webinar as they share with you how to get started with your newsletters and seven 7 essential tips to stay engaged with your clients in 2017.

As a special bonus gift for signing up you will also receive this free e-book 5 Sure Fire Ways to Get More Subscribers

Goals for our participants:

  • Understand why collecting contact information, specifically emails is important
  • Understand why email marketing and communication is important
  • What is to be included in emails
  • Breakdown barriers and fears associated with e-mails
  • Gain confidence on how to get started
    Webinar by CNN

What will they walk away with

1. A better understanding of what email marketing is and how it can add value to their business model
2. 5 Sure Fire Ways to Get More Subscribers (freebie gift)
3. An understanding of what Customized Nutrition Newsletters offers

Who should attend

1. Registered Dieticians interested in utilizing email marketing to increase client list, drive traffic back to blog or website, or looking to enhance relationships with existing clients or audience should attend.
2. Registered Dieticians with a limited to moderate level of email marketing experience or knowledge who are looking to learn the basics

 Wellness Newsletters Sign Up


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