Useful Ideas on Collecting Contact Information with Newsletters

Collect contact information

As a health professional, it can be challenging to remember all the do’s and do n’ts of running your practice. However, one tip that is essential to any growing business is  collecting and maintaining a relationship with your contacts.

The basics of what to collect:

1. First and last name.

2. E-mail address.

3. Phone number.

4.  Physical Address

5. Birthday

6. Company

Additional information that may be useful in growing your business and maintaining a relationship with your clients:

1. Interest and goals for working together.

2. Location. You never know where life will bring you.  By keeping track your client’s location, if you relocate you will be better able to target market.

3. Demographics, such as age, gender, family dynamics.  Again having this information may be useful and beneficial as you grow your business and market your products / services to specific demographics.

Here are some simple ideas and solutions on collecting contact information.

1.  Always have new clients fill out a form with current contact information.  Client enrollment form is also a great place for you to ask “permission” to be added to your newsletter list.

2. When doing any type of seminar, health fair, or trade show always have a sign up form to collect names and e-mail addresses.  Having a “free” e-newsletter for people at these types of events to sign up for is an excellent way to have participants share their information with you.

3. Newsletter sign up form on your website.  Having a newsletter (or e-zine) sign up form on your website will help “capture” the names of people who are searching for the services you offer.  By sending out an e-newsletter you are creating a “top of the mindedness awareness” for you and your services.  By being front and center with your clients and potential clients you are reminding them that you and your services are available when needed.

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