Create Your Brand


A company brand is how customers will identify with them.

Branding is a process very similar to getting in shape and creating a healthy mind and body!  Branding is on going and evolves with your goals and maturity.  However, it is important to lay the ground rules in advance for company branding.

Below are 5 components of creating a brand:

1.  Company name and logo: Creating an effective company name and logo will help your clients IDENTIFY your brand.  Your logo can be clean and simple or an intricate design, but having a logo when you start your company does help show professionalism as well as starts to create that brand identity.

2.  Creating a mission statement: Creating your mission statement in the early stages of business will help keep you moving in the right direction of your business. Your mission statement will help you FOCUS on what it is exactly that you are going to do. Your mission statement helps give your business personality, which is one more step in building your brand.

3.  Consistent with your message: The message you send out via print ads, electronic newsletters and web advertising, as well as the message you put out on social media outlets and blogs. These are all part of your brand and help customers identify the work you do.

4.  Repetition: Consumers need to see your product and services multiple times before they will be ready to make a purchase, which is why e-mail marketing and e-newsletters have proven to be one of the most cost effective ways to do this. Most often one single ad will only begin to plan the seed in potential customers mind to use your services. It is the follow through message and consistency of your advertising that will get customers to do business with you.

5.  The right brand will help transform a one time customer into a long term business relationship:

At Customized Nutrition Newsletters and Design Services, we have a passion for helping health and wellness professionals, nutritionists, dietitians, and personal trainers create their brand and message. We have created a variety of tools to help professionals do this including:

  • A monthly customized nutrition newsletter with pre-written content
  • Health and wellness newsletter designed and customized each month with individual business information
  • Foodspiration™ marketing tools and cards.




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