Give Thanks & Inspire Gratitude for a Healthy Body

Healthy Holiday Marketing Tip: Give Thanks 

Thanksgiving is a good time to remember the people you serve and do business with. From your clients and patients to employees, colleagues, consultants, employees, members, and friends this is the season to let them know you appreciate their business and support. Use this opportunity to send a sincere thank you without trying to sell or convert your clients to make a purchase. Sending an inspirational message related to nutrition, health, and wellness or even your favorite Thanksgiving recipe is a great way to spread positive energy.

If you are concerned about sending an email and adding more to your recipient’s inbox, think about this:

People like to do business with people they know, like, and trust.

If you have established a relationship with your readers, then they want to hear from you. They will appreciate your gesture, especially if it is a message of thanks and gratitude and not promoting a product. Your message will also create awareness within your readers regarding the personal health and wellness goals they are working towards.

If you find yourself still hesitating to send a holiday message to think about it this way, how would you respond if you received a Thanksgiving Wish from your doctor or hairdresser? Personally, it would put a smile on my face and I would gratefully read it.

Whatever you decide to do, plan to send between Friday, November 17th and Wednesday, November 22nd. While I have personally sent holiday wishes on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and New Years Day, marketing data shows that open rates are generally higher when emails are received on non-holidays.

We make it easy to send a message of thanks and gratitude to your e-newsletter list and clients with our pre-written content: Learn more  here

Choose from one of our six, pre-written messages.

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Customize your template to compliment your brand: 

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Choose your header and customized message!

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You must have a Mail Chimp or*Constant Contact account to purchase the holiday promotional blast if you do not already have one you can sign up for a free account here!

  • Simple Thanksgiving Wish
  • Be Thankful: We Are Thankful for You
  • Turkey Day Foods that Fuel Performance
  • Walk It Off! What It Takes to Walk Off Your Holiday Feast
  • 26 Ways to Show Gratitude for Your Body
  • Gratitude for a Healthy Body

Get started with the Thanksgiving bundle today or the Holiday Bonus Email + Social Media Bundle 

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