Healthy Holiday Messages – Do They Convert?

Customized Nutrition Newsletters

Connect and engage with the clients

Holidays are a perfect time to connect with your prospects and clients to celebrate those feelings of camaraderie and gratitude, while promoting healthy living and lifestyle tips. This is the perfect opportunity for health and wellness experts to connect and engage with their clients, fostering their relationships while building credibility and trust.

No matter what business you are in, I always remind people that at the end of the day you are in the people business and people matter.

Gratitude to Wellness ExpertsWhen working in the people business there is nothing more important than inspiring them to live better, while also building strong relationships and gaining their trust. The holidays are the perfect time for you to express your gratitude to the people you serve and inspire you all year long.

And whether you run either a small company or a large corporation, sending healthy holiday messages is one of the best ways to inspire your clients to get into the holiday spirit, while still maintaining their health.

Not only will healthy holiday messages capture your customer’s’ attention, but they will also serve as a tool for building brand and top of the mind awareness, so when they do need the service you provide, you are the first nutrition or wellness expert they reach out to.

Newsletter for Health Experts

Healthy holiday messages build brand awareness


Customized Nutrition Newsletters is offering pre-done holiday e-mails that have been crafted with a special healthy holiday message, ready to be customized and branded for your business.

Here are some other ways to use your e-newsletter list to stay connected with your clients this holiday season:

  • Include other holiday gifts in your email such as a workout journal or healthy recipes. Giving a gift, such as a unique free download that is enhances their lives, while also sharing how your services can help solve their problem.

    Add personal touch to it in order to express the appreciation towards those people who are with you all year round. Thank them for their continued support.

  • Include other holiday gifts in your email such as a workout journal or healthy recipes.

    Include other holiday gifts in your email such as a workout journal or healthy recipes

  • Tell a story. Yes, storytelling is one of the oldest forms of communication and relationship building…and yes, it actually still works! Dig up a personal and relatable messages that will resonate with your clients and the work you do.The end of the year is the ideal time to share with your consumers about your work, and how it has solved a particular problem for another client. Remember, no matter what you send, be genuine and authentic. Your clients want to know you care…because at the end of the day you are in the people business!

Holiday messaging like other campaigns throughout the year, comes down to knowing your customer. Staying engaged and connected with your prospects and customers is never more critical than now. This simply means optimizing the holiday season as part of your marketing strategy.

By sending healthy holiday greetings that also provide value to your readers life (with an inspirational, you can ensure that your business remains relevant and top of mind throughout the season and into the New Year – with a healthy bottom line in addition.

Feeling overwhelmed of where to get started or not having the time, design skills, or creativity to create your own healthy holiday package?

No worries! Customized Nutrition Newsletters has created  pre-designed healthy holiday messages for Christmas, and New Year. You will have the option to choose one message (out of the 4 – 5 pre-written titles) for each holiday, you can also choose from one of our three custom festive header designs, ensuring your message is just as unique as your business.

All holiday messages will be branded with your business bio, logo, and contact information! Get pre-designed holiday e-mail headers and graphics now!!

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