October Nutrition Newsletter Content

Our two NEW Nutrition Newsletter Content release for October includes:  Collagen, Worth the Hype?  and The Mason Jar Movement: 3 Foolproof Meals Anyone Can Assemble 

October Nutrition Newsletter New Content Release:  Collagen – Worth the Hype?  

Intro: (sample of what’s included, users have the ability to customize and edit to fit their practice)Collagen nutrition newsletter

It’s no secret that collagen is a hot topic in the field of wellness and nutrition. In fact, in 2018 sales of collagen supplements reached $46.6 million, which was 34% higher than in previous years.

Collagen is not only being sold as a supplement in powder, pill and chew form, but it’s also being added to bars, teas, coffee creamers, and baked goods. Clients are frequently asking me if they should be adding a collagen supplement to their daily regime.

In the quest to always share science-based and practical information with you, I’m diving into this topic. This month, I’m going to explore not only what collagen is, but also why it’s important, what current research is suggesting, it’s safety, and where it can be purchased. Please feel free to respond with any questions you might have.

  • Main Article: Collagen 101 
  • Mini Article: Building Collagen: More than Powder, Pills, and Broth
  • Recipe: Slow Cooker Bone Broth

October Inspired Living Newsletter New Content: The Mason Jar Movement: 3 Foolproof Meals Anyone Can Assemble 


Have you seen the beautiful, Instagram worthy meals in a glass jar? What you might think is a tactic used by fancy food bloggers to gain traction, is actually a nutrition trend worth following.

Not only do mason jars help create meals that look aesthetically appealing, but they provide a practical and portable solution for anyone who wants to eat more nutritious meals. From overnight oats, fiesta salads, and noodle bowls, using mason jars in your meal planning is not only easy and convenient but also good for the environment.

This month I’m sharing a few of my favorite twists on what you can make in the mason jar! Do you have a favorite recipe you make in a mason jar? Send it my way – I’d love to share! 

  • Main Article: 3 Foolproof Meals Anyone Can Assemble 
  • Mini Article: Plan for Success 
  • Recipe of the Month: Overnight Oatmeal Trio

Additional Newsletter Topics in Customized Nutrition Newsletters database that could be used for October Include:

  • Foods Worth Falling For
  • Brain-Boosting Benefits of Exercise
  • Cleaning Up Your Plate
  • Brain Food
  • Simple Ways to Fall Into Clean Eating
  • 3 Hip Ways to Stay Sane
  • New Nutrition Facts Panel
  • 8 Foods that Fight Depression
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Foods that Fight Breast Cancer
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Nourishing the Fight

If you are looking for a time-saving solution to stay connected with your clients while providing credible nutrition information that both educates and inspires them to live better, check out the services offered by Customized Nutrition Newsletters.

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