Kiwi Connect Q&A: How to Add Add Subscribers

Upload From A File

The file from which you want to upload contact information is referred to as the contacts file. This file must be a supported file type. For information about requirements for the file and its contents, see Add and Build Contacts Overview.

Preparing Your Data

Contact information must be in one of the supported file formats. If your contact information is in a different format, you may be able to export it. For example, if you are using a spreadsheet application other than Microsoft Excel, you may be able to export the contact information to a .csv or .txt file.

For your convenience, you can use the Basic Template in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format to prepare your contact information for upload.

Best Practice Tip: After importing all contacts in the .xlsx file, convert to a .csv file to upload

If you want to identify test contacts, in the contacts file, include a column named Test Contacts (or TestContacts). For each contact, type the value True for test contacts or False for contacts that are not to be used as test contacts.


  1. Ensure that contact information is available in a file of a supported file format.
  2. In List, select Mailing List

Choose Mailing List to Add Contacts to

Import Contacts: Select File



Verify Fields:

Verify Date Format and Select Import: 


Add Contacts Manually

Add contacts manually when you receive information for one or two contacts at a time. You can also use this method when contact information hasn’t been provided electronically, such as contacts who gave you business cards during a conference.

Note: For information other methods for defining contacts, see Add and Build Contacts Overview.

To add a contact manually, define contact information by providing the appropriate values for contact fields. For example, you must provide the contact’s email address in the Email contact field. You can also assign the contact to one or more mailing lists.

Before adding contacts, ensure you have obtained contacts’ permission to communicate with them by email.

The number of contacts you can add is determined by your account plan.


  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Dashboard, click the drop arrow on the Add Contacts button and click Manually Enter Information.
    • On the Contacts tab, click the Add New button.
  2. Type the contact’s email address.
  3. Define values for the contact fields.
    • To change a text value (for example, Email Address), type the new value in the box.
    • To change a value in a list box (for example, Email Format), select the value from the list.
    • To change a checkbox selection (for example, Test Contact), select the checkbox.
    • To change the date, type the date in the box or select a date from the Calendar. The date format depends on how you’ve configured date settings.
  4. Select any mailing lists that you want to assign this contact to.If you want to assign the contact to a mailing list that doesn’t yet exist, type the name of the new mailing list and click Add New Mailing List. Select the mailing list.
  5. Click Save.If you want to add another contact immediately, click Save and Add Another.

Note: We monitor contact-related activity to ensure compliance with our Anti-SPAM policy. We do not allow the use of purchased mailing lists or other types of inappropriate contact sources.

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