Savvy Nutrition Entrepreneurs Grow Their Practice with an E-Newsletter

Why every nutrition practice needs an e-newsletter

Savvy Nutrition Entrepreneurs Grow Their Nutrition Practice with an E-Newsletter

As a savvy nutrition expert, you know the net is filled with inaccurate and potentially dangerous info. Some of it’s credible, most of it’s not. After all, that’s why you started your nutrition practice.

You’re passionate about educating and empowering people to live their healthiest life. Your business is built around this mission and clients value your work.

You’ve thought about adding an e-newsletter to your practice, but find yourself running out of time or questioning if clients will read it. As a savvy nutrition entrepreneur, does your nutrition practice need an e-newsletter?

Do you really need to add more information to your already information-overloaded clients? 

I’m here to tell you YES!

  • YES! Your community wants to hear from YOU, their go-to nutrition expert.
  • YES! Staying connected with your clients on a regular basis is essential to growing your business.
  • YES! Sharing consistent and valuable information is important.
Additional reasons your nutrition practice needs an e-newsletter:
Strengthens relationships. 

It’s no secret that sharing value-added information is important for building trust and credibility in your field. An e-newsletter is an easy and affordable solution because each month you can send a new topic each month straight to their inbox.

For example, when a client reads your newsletter on gut health or mindfulness, not only are you sharing additional areas of your expertise, you’re also stimulating new conversation and uncovering new topics to be addressed.

Serves as a reminder of your practice and services.

Let’s face it, we live in a busy, face-paced, society. With today’s aggressive advertising, an e-newsletter is a gentle reminder,

“Hey, we can help you with that” or “It’s been a while,  time for your nutrition check-up.”

This approach has been proven to be highly effective – it’s advertising without the obnoxious advertising feel.     

Grows your practice.  

Word of mouth is still the best form of advertising (and it’s free!).  What’s an easier way to share your business than forwarding your e-newsletter to a friend?

For example, Joe, your client, receives your newsletter,  Foods for a Healthy Gut, and he’s reminded of the conversation he had with Sally regarding her tummy troubles.  Joe forwards your e-newsletter to Sally who then contacts you for a consult. It doesn’t get any easier than that!

In summary, savvy nutrition entrepreneurs grow their practice with an e-newsletter, sending a variety of interesting and valuable information on a regular basis. I know you are busy and time is one of your most precious resources, which is why I started Customized Nutrition Newsletters.

Curious to learn more about how you can provide fresh and informative content on a regular basis at a reasonable price?  Send an email or visit for more information or to schedule a demo.

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