September Nutrition Newsletter Content Release!

Our two NEW Nutrition Newsletter Content release for September includes:  Why Does My Stomach Hurt ? and #SweatOnceaDay 

September 2019 Nutrition Newsletter Content release topic: Why Does My Stomach Hurt?  


Bloating, gas, cramps, stomach aches, and pains are conditions that I’m all too familiar with hearing about from my clients. Many clients schedule an appointment to help figure out what’s causing their issues. They wonder if it’s related to food or maybe something even more severe.

While there is no magic wand to cure stomach troubles, there are several food and lifestyle choices that can trigger an unsettled gut. This month, I’m sharing what foods can damage the lining of your gut as well as some simple and realistic solutions to help heal and repair. If you have been wondering if it’s your food or maybe something more serious causing your chronic stomach issues, let’s schedule a consult!

Main Article: 5 Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors that Contribute to Stomach Pain

Mini Article: Nutrition Supplements & Lifestyle Practices to Heal the Gut

Newsletter also features a recipe for a Mediterranean twist on avocado toast and quote to inspire. 

September 2019 Inspired Living Newsletter Content release topic: #SweatOnceaDay


Hi! You’ve been a part of my nutrition newsletter community for a while now and this month I’m changing things up.  I’m hosting a #sweatonceaday challenge and I’d love for you to join me!
The rules are simple: Make a commitment to move your body and sweat once a day!
Other ways to get involved and stay engaged include: Share on your social media page and tag my page (post once a week), Use #sweatonceaday, Spread the word and invite others to join!
In this issue, you’ll find some ideas to get you started!


Main Article: 20 Ways to Sweat and Burn 300 Calories (at least!)

Mini Article: Why #SweatOnceaDay?

Newsletter also features a recipe for a vegetarian sweet potato and black bean burrito and quote to inspire. 

Additional Newsletter Topics in Customized Nutrition Newsletters database that could be used for September Include:

  • Tips for a Healthy Tailgate
  • Fueling for Endurance Performance
  • Foods that Fuel Fitness
  • 50 Ways to Beat Boredom Eating
  • Stock Up for Success
  • Football Foods and More
  • Alcohol and Athletic Performance
  • National Childhood Obesity Awareness

If you are looking for a time-saving solution to stay connected with your clients while providing credible nutrition information that both educates and inspires them to live better, check out the services offered by Customized Nutrition Newsletters.

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