Adding Contacts to Newsletter List 101

How to add and import contacts to your nutrition newsletter list Customized Nutrition Newsletters’s Kiwi Connect platform


  1. Adding Contacts Manually to Newsletter Account: 
    Use this method when you receive information for one or two contacts at a time. You can also use this method when contact information hasn’t been provided electronically, such as contacts who gave you business cards during a conference.
  2. Importing contacts by uploading from a file:
    Use this method for:

    • a Microsoft Excel file with all the contacts you want to import. All contacts must be defined on the first worksheet of the file. If you want to include First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Address, Phone, etc. your excel document must be formatted accordingly. 
      • For example, an excel document including First and Last Name in the same cell will not allow you to personalize your email with Hi Adam, instead, the personalization will be: Hi Adam Smith.
      • To avoid this have separate columns for first and last name.
    • The best practice is to convert the Excel document into a comma-separated value (.csv) before uploading. 
    • a file no larger than 500 MB.
  3. Importing contacts by pasting from a Microsoft Excel
    Use this method for a file that uses the Microsoft Excel format and that meets all these conditions:

    • no more than 500 contacts are defined in the file
    • each contact is defined in its own row
    • the email address for each contact is defined in the same column for all rows

For the import options, the file from which you are importing contacts is referred to as the “contacts file”.

Another way to build contacts is to invite people to subscribe to your communications using a signup form on your website or other online location. Submission of a completed sign up form is an accepted way of obtaining someone’s permission to contact them. These people are automatically added as new contacts.

The number of contacts you can add is determined by your account plan.

Regardless of how contacts are added to the email marketing application, we require that every contact has an email address. We also highly recommend that you provide your contacts with a way to manage their subscriptions with you. Subscription forms let contacts modify their subscriptions to your email communications (such as adding themselves to or removing themselves from your various mailing lists), update their information, and unsubscribe from all your email communications.


Step By Step How to Add Contacts to Your Newsletter List 

1.  Select Mailing List to upload list or Contacts to add individually 

Select either Contacts or Mailing List




2. If uploading list, select the mailing list you will be adding to 

Select Mailing List you will be adding contacts to






If selecting “Contacts”, choose either import or Add New





3. Upload file or copy and paste 

Best Practice Tip: Upload file as .csv






*remove header row if it is in your file 

Remove header row and any additional formatting to ensure the file is uploaded properly






4. Match fields from the document with how they will be identified. 

Identify how columns will be identified





The only field that is mandatory is an email address, you have the option to skip or not include other fields 

5. If including Date of Birth, select Date Format and then Import Contacts!

6. Success! 

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